Message Center

Estimated Read time: 2 minutes

The Message Center displays messages sent by programs applicants have applied to, the ECFMG (IMGs only), the EFDO (fellowship applicants), and the ERAS program. The Message Center can only display messages sent through the ERAS program. Messages sent outside the ERAS system (e.g., emails from the program’s institution/personal email account) will not be captured in the Message Center. 

In This Section:


  • You cannot initiate messages with programs you have applied to, the ECFMG (IMGs only), the EFDO (fellowship applicants), or the ERAS program. You can only reply to messages that are received in the MyERAS Message Center. 
  • When a new message is received in the MyERAS Message Center, a notification will be sent to your listed personal email address listed in the AAMC account information of your personal information. 
  • A count of unread messages is available next to the Message Center menu item at the top of the page and in the left navigation next to the Message Center’s Inbox. The count is updated as you open/read messages. 
  • Any new messages received while in the Message Center will only be reflected in the count of unread messages when you refresh the Message Center page. 

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  • Inbox List View: All messages in the Inbox List View will display: 
    • From. 
    • Subject.  
    • Date (message was received). 
  • All new unread messages will be in bold text. 
  • Twenty-five messages at a time will display. Use the refresh button to load new messages. 

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Reading Messages

To read a message, choose anywhere in the message row to open the message in reading view. 

  • Note: Be sure to check if messages include any attachments that can be opened from the reading view. 

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Replying to Messages

While a message is in reading view, select “Reply” in the top right corner of the message. 

  • Attachments are allowed but are limited to PDF and JPEG. 
  • You can reply only to the original message sender. Additional recipients cannot be added to messages. 

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Deleting Messages

While a message is in reading view, select the down arrow next to “Reply” in the top right corner of the message and select “Delete.” This will move the message to Trash.

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