AAMC PREview® Scores

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Scores reflect examinees’ understanding of effective and ineffective professional behaviors.  

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Your Score Report 

Since the PREview® professional readiness exam is one section, your score report will include a single, total score ranging from 1 to 9. You will also receive a percentile rank and confidence band (see below for more information). This same information — no more, no less — is reported to medical schools. 

Your score reflects your understanding of effective and ineffective professional behaviors. Your knowledge of the professional competencies serves as a foundation for further learning and developing in these areas during medical school. Medical schools may use PREview scores, combined with other elements of the application, to identify applicants who demonstrate these professional competencies. Use this step-by-step guide for finding your score report online.  

View sample score reports for scored and voided exams

Reporting Your Score to Medical Schools

2025 AMCAS® Application Cycle

Reporting your score to AMCAS® program participating medical schools. When you elect to have your exam scored on exam day, your score will be automatically available to the AMCAS application system (after you have initiated your application) on the designated score release date for your testing window. If you take the PREview exam after submitting your AMCAS application, your score will be uploaded to the AMCAS system when it is available on the published score release date.

All scores from any PREview exams you have taken and elected to score will be in your AMCAS application, including any in 2020 and 2021 when the exam was previously called the AAMC SJT exam. 

Reporting your score to a school not participating in the AMCAS program. If you have chosen to have your exam scored, you will be asked if you would like to send your score report to any participating schools that do not use the AMCAS application system. When you select a school from the available options, your score will be made available to the school on the scheduled score release day through a special PREview Score Reporting System for schools that do not use the AMCAS system. After exam day, you still have the opportunity to release your score report to any participating school by completing and emailing a Request to Release AAMC PREview Score form to askpreview@aamc.org. We release scores within 5 business days of receiving the request. 

Once you select a school, either on exam day or through the Request to Release AAMC PREview Score form, you may not withdraw your score from the school. 

How Exams Are Scored

The AAMC collaborated with subject matter experts to develop the scoring key for the PREview exam, i.e., the key effectiveness rating for each response. Subject matter experts include a diverse group of admissions officers, faculty, student affairs representatives, and others who work closely with medical students and understand the expectations and responsibilities of medical students.  

Your score is based on the extent to which your effectiveness ratings of each response align with subject matter experts' ratings. Full credit is awarded for an item if your response matches the medical educators’ rating. Partial credit is awarded if your rating is close to the medical educators’ rating. Higher scores suggest that your ratings align more closely with medical educators' ratings; whereas lower scores suggest your ratings align less closely with medical educators' ratings. 

The PREview exam is one of several factors that schools may consider when evaluating applicants. We’re advising schools to consider the PREview score in the context of the broader application, taking the opportunity to use the PREview exam to identify applicants whose competencies align with their school’s unique mission and goals.

Understanding Your Percentile Rank

The percentile ranking table is based on the examinees’ performance on the PREview exam during a two-year time frame. In May of each year, the PREview percentile ranking table is updated using data from the most recent two testing years. Your percentile rank tells you the percentage of examinees who received the same or lower scores. When your score is originally published, your percentile ranking is based on the percentile ranking table in effect at that time but may change when the percentile table is updated.  Therefore, while your score does not change over time, your percentile ranking may.

Viewing Your Score Report

Scores will be released according to your testing window, and release dates can be found in the AAMC PREview Testing Calendar. When your score is available, we will send you an email with instructions on how to access your score report. Your score report will include your total score, confidence band, percentile rank table, and any applicable notes. If you have chosen to void your exam, the exam will not be scored, but you will still be sent an email. AAMC staff will not provide scores over the phone. 

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2024 AAMC PREview Essentials

Read the PREview Essentials for Testing Year 2024.

AAMC PREview® Accommodations

The AAMC is committed to providing all individuals with an opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency on the AAMC PREview® exam. This includes ensuring access to persons with disabilities in accordance with relevant law.

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