COMLEX-USA Transcript

Estimated Read time: 5 minutes

The COMLEX-USA transcript is required by many ACGME-accredited residency programs as part of a DO applicant’s application to be considered for their positions. 

  • You should research programs individually to verify your requirements related to the COMLEX-USA transcript (e.g., minimum scores). 
  • The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME) receives and fulfills all COMLEX-USA requests from residency applicants applying through the MyERAS portal. 

In this Section:

Authorizing the Release for the COMLEX-USA Transcript

You must authorize (give permission for) the release of your COMLEX-USA transcript to make assignments of the COMLEX-USA transcript to the programs you designate. 

  • You must authorize the NBOME to release your COMLEX-USA transcript by selecting “Authorize Release” under the Actions column; entering or confirming your NBOME ID; selecting “Yes” or “No”; and selecting “Save.” 
  • If you select “No” to authorizing the release of your COMLEX-USA transcript, you may update your answer to “Yes” anytime throughout the application season; however, once “Yes” is selected, the selection cannot be changed. 

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Assigning the COMLEX-USA Transcript

You must make assignments and apply to programs to send requests to NBOME indicating which programs you designated your COMLEX-USA transcript be sent to. 

  • You must authorize the release of your COMLEX-USA transcript to make assignments of the COMLEX-USA transcript to the programs you designate. 
  • The COMLEX-USA transcript can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Additional Documents page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column for the COMLEX-USA transcript. 
  • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the COMLEX-USA transcript assigned to them and have been applied to. 
  • You can assign the COMLEX-USA transcript to programs by using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • Once the COMLEX-USA is assigned to a program that has been applied to, it cannot be unassigned. 
  • The COMLEX-USA cannot be assigned to programs that are closed. 

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Paying for the COMLEX-USA Transcript

The NBOME charges a fee of $80 (and tax where applicable) for sending COMLEX-USA transcripts to the programs you designated. 

  • The fee is fixed and assessed one time per application season regardless of the number programs the COMLEX-USA transcript is requested for. 
  • The transcript fee will appear on the invoice for the first program you to that has been assigned the COMLEX-USA transcript. Once paid, the COMLEX-USA transcript fee will not appear as part of any future invoices. 
  • This fee cannot be paid before applying to programs. 

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Viewing the COMLEX-USA Requests Status Report 

You can view the COMLEX-USA Requests Status Report to track the status of your COMLEX-USA requests by program. 

  • Each row will show a program and the status of the request to the NBOME that it was included in. 
  • Possible statuses include: 
    • Processing Request: Request is being processed by the NBOME. 
    • Successful: A transcript was received from the NBOME. 
    • Not Matched: The NBOME was not able to match the applicant information provided in the MyERAS application. You should verify the following information was correctly entered under the Personal Information of your MyERAS application: 
      • First Name.  
      • Last Name. 
      • NBOME ID.  
      • Date of birth.  
    • No Scores: The NBOME does not have any reportable exam scores information for you at this time. The possible reasons include: 
      • Scores have not been reported yet. 
      • You have registered but not yet taken the exam. 
      • Noncandidate score history only (scores are not reportable). 
      • You are certified on previous examinations but have requested the COMLEX-USA transcript. 
    • For further assistance with “No Score” or “Not Matched” statuses, please contact the NBOME for more information about your transcript request. 
  • Once the request has been fulfilled by the NBOME and the ERAS program has successfully received the COMLEX-USA transcript, the transmission status will update to “successful”; the date and time will populate under Most Recent Successful Request Date; and the scores included (e.g., Step 1) along with the associated date for each exam step will populate under the respective columns. 
  • Any subsequent requests for a program sent to the NBOME after selecting “Resend My Scores” will be reflected under Most Recent Request Date and Transmission Status. 
  • Once any subsequent requests for a program have been fulfilled by the NBOME and the ERAS program has successfully received the latest COMLEX-USA transcript, the transmission status will update to “successful”; the latest date and time will populate under Most Recent Successful Request Date; and the scores included along with the associated date for each exam step will be updated to include any recently released exam steps (if available) under the respective columns. 

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Resending New Scores

You must take action in the MyERAS portal to resend COMLEX-USA scores to programs previously designated to receive them. 

  • If you would like to resend your COMLEX-USA transcript to programs (e.g., new scores were released by the NBOME), you will simply need to select “Resend My Scores” under the Actions column on the Additional Documents page and confirm your selection. 
  • You can resend your COMLEX-USA transcript beginning the day your new score is available with the NBOME. An updated COMLEX-USA transcript cannot be sent to only a subset of programs; your COMLEX-USA transcript will be sent to every program that previously received it. You can select “Resend My Scores” only once a day. This option will be disabled for 24 hours after each request to resend scores. New exam scores included can be verified in the COMLEX-USA transcript Request Report once the request’s transmission status becomes “successful.” 

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