LoRs must be uploaded through the ERAS Letter of Recommendation Portal by the LoR Author or their designee. It is your responsibility to follow up with LoR Authors about LoRs.
In this Section:
- Creating LoR Entries
- Confirming LoR Entries
- Downloading Letter Request
- Emailing Letter Request
- Uploading LoRs
- Assigning LoRs
Creating LoR Entries
You must create a separate LoR entry for each LoR you intend to use during the application season.
- Each LoR entry created can contain author name*, author title/department*, specialty to which the letter will be assigned, program director/department chair, and selection of whether to waive the right to view.* (*denotes a required field).
- You may label LoRs you intend to assign to programs of specific specialties. The specialty field will be viewable only by applicants, their Designated Dean’s Office, and the LoR Author. Programs cannot view it.
- The optional program director selection should be made only for LoRs written by a program director in a current or previous residency or fellowship where you trained. This selection should be used only by residents and fellows. It does not apply to rising seniors.
- The optional department chair selection should be made only for LoRs written by a department chair where you completed a clerkship training. Group departmental letters must be signed by the team composing the letter.
- You must indicate whether you waive your right to view the LoR for each LoR entry created. If you waive your right to view a LoR, you are not permitted to view or obtain the LoR under any circumstances.
- For each saved LoR entry, icons will display next to the LoR Author Name – Title/Department in the LoR Information column to represent the following applicant selections:
You indicated that this LoR Author is a program director in a current/previous residency or fellowship where you trained.
You indicated that this LoR Author is a department chair where you completed your clerkship training.
You waived your right to view this LoR.
You did not waive your right to view this LoR.
- Only LoRs that are Not Confirmed for Upload can be edited or deleted. Errors in any LoR that has been Confirmed for Upload can only be changed through creating a new LoR entry.
Confirming LoR Entries
You must confirm a LoR entry before an associated Letter ID can be generated.
To Confirm LoRs:
- Mark the checkbox for the LoR entry/entries that need to be confirmed.
Note: Checkboxes can be marked individually or all at once by marking the ”select all” checkbox at the top of the column.
- Select “Confirm” at the top of the page to the right of the LoR selection count.
- Enter the MyERAS password and select “Confirm” to complete the process.
- LoR entries can be confirmed only on the Letters of Recommendation page by either:
- Selecting individual entries and selecting “Only checked” in the Confirm drop-down menu, then entering the MyERAS password to complete the process.
- Selecting multiple entries by selecting “All on this page” or “All Records” in the Confirm drop-down menu, then entering the MyERAS password to complete the process.
- Once a LoR entry has been Confirmed for Upload, a Letter ID will be generated and the option to print the Letter Request Form will become available under the Actions column.
- The Letter Request Form is a PDF that includes the following:
- LoR Author Details (as you entered them).
- LoR Author Name.
- LoR Author Title/Department.
- Program Director/Department Chair Indicator (If applicable).
- Applicant Details.
- Full Name.
- Preferred Name (If entered).
- Contact Information.
- ERAS Letter ID.
- Specialty to which this letter will be assigned.
- Waiver Indicator for rights to see the letter.
- Letter of Recommendation Portal Instructions.
Downloading Letter Request
The Letter Request Form can be downloaded as a PDF.
Emailing Letter Request
The Letter Request Form can be delivered to LoR Authors via email directly from the MyERAS portal. When you choose to send the form as an email, you will have the ability to send the author a custom message.
Uploading LoRs
The Letter ID contained in the Letter Request Form must be used to upload the associated LoR through the Letter of Recommendation Portal (LoRP).
- An accurate and valid Letter ID must be used to upload each LoR through the LoRP for each associated LoR entry.
- Only LoR entries that have been Confirmed for Upload with the right to view (NOT waived) may be uploaded by the applicant.
- All LoRs uploaded into the ERAS system will be watermarked with the full name on the AAMC account of the uploader along with the date and time they were uploaded.
- A notification will be sent to the email address entered in the Personal Information section that alerts you when a LoR has been uploaded.
- Once a LoR has been uploaded, its status will update to “uploaded” and the option to assign will become available under the Actions column.
Note: Letter Request Forms should not be duplicated and distributed to multiple LoR Authors. They are customized for each letter and contain a unique Letter ID that can be used only once.
Assigning LoRs
You may designate the assignment of up to four LoRs to each program.
- Only LoRs that have been uploaded can be assigned to programs.
- LoRs assignments to programs that have been applied to cannot be changed.
- LoRs can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Letters of Recommendation page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column of the intended LoR.
- Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the maximum number of four LoRs currently assigned.
- When assigning by LoR, you should review any LoRs that are listed under the LoRs Assigned column before making selections or changes.
- When assigning by LoR, you will not be able to make selections for programs with a status of withdrawn.
- LoRs can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages.
- LoR assignments can be made throughout the application season to any programs that do not have the maximum number of four LoRs currently assigned, but programs are not guaranteed to view or review newly assigned LoRs received after initial application to their program.
- Once the maximum number of four LoRs have been assigned to any given applied to program, additional LoR assignments cannot be made during the application season. Letters cannot be replaced after being assigned to any given applied program.
- A LoR cannot be assigned to programs that are closed.