There are many important concepts to know about money management and borrowing student loans. The information found in this guide will help you establish a strong financial foundation as well as help you navigate the borrowing process at specific points in your medical education.
The Entering Medical School chapter contains information about:
- Applying for financial aid.
- Understanding your aid offer.
- Managing undergraduate loans.
- Understanding cost of attendance.
- Borrowing and budgeting wisely.
The Continuing Your Medical Education chapter includes the following topics:
- Budgeting based on your school’s cost of attendance.
- Understanding borrowing options and loans.
- Managing money.
The Graduating Medical School chapter provides information about:
- Financially preparing for residency.
- Loan repayment options.
- Loan forgiveness and loan repayment assistance programs.
- Steps to take after graduation.
We encourage you to review the guide in conjunction with: