Graduation and Your Student Loans
Now is the time to double-check the information within your Federal Student Aid (FSA) account and compare it to the information on your servicer’s website. You will want to make sure the information matches and if anything is incorrect, you will want to contact your servicer to find out why there is a discrepancy.
If you borrowed Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS), Primary Care Loans (PCL), private, or institutional loans, these loans will not be in your FSA account. To obtain details about these loans, you would need to talk with the financial aid staff at your school, the lender or servicer of the loan, or review your credit report.
It’s important to know what’s in your loan portfolio so that you can determine how best to manage your loans during and after residency. Your actual repayment start date may differ depending on the following details, so take the time to learn this information before graduation:
- types of loans in your portfolio
- grace period availability
- loan disbursement dates
- loan servicer(s)
- terms and conditions of loans in your portfolio