Finding Your Loan Information
There are three resources you can use to find the details of your federal student loans.
- Your Federal Student Aid (FSA) will display details such as: loan type, loan servicer, loan balance, accrued interest, due date, etc.
- Your loan servicer’s website (or portal) will provide specific details about your student loans. If you don’t have an account on your servicer’s website, set up an account as soon as possible. Your servicer’s website will show more specific account information than what is shown in your FSA account.
- Your financial aid staff may be able to help you identify the details associated with previously borrowed federal student loans.
Institutional loans and private loans will not be found in your FSA account. To locate information about these loans, contact the lender or the servicer of the loan.
Private loans are usually provided by a financial institution (banks, credit unions, etc.) and the lender of the loan will be able to discuss the terms and conditions, as well as the options, for managing your loan during medical school and residency. If you are unsure of the lender of your private loan, review your credit report.