Continuing Your Medical Education

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Steps to Take as You Continue Your Education

At this point, you have a good idea of what your expenses were as a first-year medical student. Now, you can focus on expenses that may arise as you continue your medical education. Each year, expenses will likely change as you encounter costs to purchase study materials and apply to take required exams.

You may also find that changes in your medical school curriculum could affect how you need to budget your money. You may need to monitor your expenses more diligently with each passing month of medical school. It will be important for you to project future costs, think about upcoming events that will require additional funds, and prepare accordingly for those expenses.

In this section, you will find helpful resources and tools that will guide you through managing your finances as a continuing medical school student. Additionally, you will want to continue to budget and stay on track with your finances, know how to borrow wisely (even if it’s your first time borrowing), and prepare for the future costs of residency applications, interviews, and even (possibly) relocating.