Graduating Medical School

Estimated Read time: 2 minutes

Graduation is Just Around the Corner

It’s time to start planning and preparing for graduation and residency.

You may think this time has gone quickly or you may think this time didn’t go fast enough. Nonetheless, you are on the home stretch to graduation, and it is time to start thinking about your future and how that will look when it comes to managing your money and your student loans after graduation.

There will be a lot to consider this year: Where do you want to apply for residency and how will you prepare for the application expenses? How should you create your rank order list while also keeping the National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP®) fees in mind? What’s your strategy for securing the residency position that will best align with your future career plans and goals? How will you handle everything all at once?

This final chapter will cover what you need to consider as your prepare for graduation. You will need to be aware of upcoming student loan requirements and repayment options and you will want to start to formulate a plan for the steps that you will need to take before graduation, after graduation, and as you prepare to enter your residency program.

You worked hard to get here, and we know you will be successful!  We wish you well as you continue your last year of medical school. Congratulations!