Accommodations for Examinees with Disabilities or Medical Conditions

Estimated Read time: 4 minutes

Accommodations are available if you can demonstrate that you need adjustments to the standard testing conditions.

Standard Testing Conditions 

The following are the standard testing conditions as delivered without approved accommodations: 

  • The maximum allowed exam time is 75 minutes (1 hour, 15 minutes). 
  • There is no break. 
  • You may use the personal aids listed in Resources Not Requiring Prior Approval. Please note: If you do not disclose and present an approved item for inspection before beginning your exam and the proctor subsequently notices you using it, the proctor may interrupt your exam to request inspection. The exam clock does not pause during this inspection. 
  • The total seated time ranges between 95 and 115 minutes, which you can influence by ensuring your computer and workspace meet the required specifications before your exam start time.  
  • The exam is delivered online, using your own equipment. 
  • You will take the exam at a location of your choice unless a testing center is required for the delivery of a specific accommodation. The most common accommodations that must be delivered at an approved test center include paper exams, readers, scribes, and reading aloud while using hearing aids. There may be additional accommodations that require testing at a center, which will be determined at the time of the application review. Unless approved for these specific accommodations, in-person testing is not permitted. 

For more information on the test format, refer to AAMC PREview Test Day

Since you will take the exam at a location of your choice unless a testing center is required (see above), you do not need to request accommodations for the following: 

Testing Condition

Reason Accommodation Request NOT Necessary

Separate testing room

You are required to select a room that will not be accessed by anyone other than you while your exam is underway.

Noise reduction

You are required to select a room that is carefully controlled for noise and movement.

Adjustable chair

You are using your own equipment. Please note: You must be seated during the exam. If you must stand, then you must submit an application for accommodations.

Adjustable height desk

You are using your own equipment. Please note: You must be seated during the exam. If you must stand, including use of a standing desk, then you must submit an application for accommodations.

Wheelchair accessibility

You select a room that is accessible to you.

Adjustable lighting

You select lighting that meets your needs and is sufficient for the remote proctor to observe you through your computer’s camera.

Trackball, touchpad, ergonomic keyboard, and screen overlay

You are using your own equipment. 

Please note that any equipment or accessories you provide must meet the technical and security specifications described in this document, and you must allow the remote proctor to adequately observe you through your computer’s camera throughout your exam session. 

Certain personal aids

Some personal aids (such as medication, medical devices, physical supports, and mobility devices) are permitted without an approved accommodation. Please refer to the list of Resources Not Requiring Prior Approval on the PREview website for more details.

Accommodation Application and Documentation Requirements  

If, after reading about the standard testing conditions above, you have a disability or medical condition that you believe requires an adjustment to the AAMC PREview testing conditions, please submit an Application for AAMC PREview Accommodations. You should submit an accommodations application early to allow enough time to prepare and implement any accommodations for which you may be approved. Review timelines vary and accommodations must be approved no later than two weeks prior to your testing window for most accommodations. Detailed instructions are provided on the AAMC PREview accommodations webpages, including the steps you need to follow. 

Your application for accommodation must be accompanied by documentation that sufficiently demonstrates your need for the accommodation requested. Such documentation may include an evaluation from a health care provider. You should also provide documentation on previously approved accommodation, such as those you received in school and on other standardized tests, including the SAT or ACT. The AAMC will have any information on previously approved MCAT accommodations on file, so you do not need to submit the approval letter you received for the MCAT exam. All documentation must be in English. This is just a general description of the documentation requirements — you must refer to the detailed documentation requirements on the PREview website, which are organized by the type of disability for which you are requesting accommodation. You may need to refer to more than one set of documentation requirements. 

The AAMC will notify you via email when a decision is available. You do not need to wait for a decision before registering for the exam; most approved accommodations can be applied to an existing appointment if the approval is received at least two weeks prior to your test date for all accommodations except accommodations that require testing at a center, which require 30 days. Registration deadlines apply to all examinees regardless of accommodations application status. If your request is approved, follow the instructions provided with your approval email. If your request is not approved, your initial registration for the exam remains valid, and you will test under standard conditions.