AAMC PREview® Accommodation Steps

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The application for AAMC PREview® professional readiness exam accommodations is open year round.

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Prior to submitting your application, please read the Application Steps and Important Notes. We also recommend reading the Helpful Hints and contacting the PREview® accommodations team if you have any questions.

AAMC PREview® Accommodation Steps

  1. Review the standard testing conditions for the PREview exam to determine if you need to apply for accommodations.
  2. Review the Resources Not Requiring Prior Approval. Note that some resources on this list require that you notify us of their use, even though they do not require you to submit an application for accommodation.
  3. Read the Test Day Rules for the PREview exam.
  4. If you believe you have a disability, impairment, or medical condition that requires an adjustment to the standard conditions or test day rules for the AAMC PREview exam:
    1. Complete and submit the PREview Accommodations Application
    2. Based on your current MCAT® status, determine if you need to submit documentation with your application. See below. If you need to submit documentation, please refer to the MCAT Documentation Requirements.
Current MCAT Status PREview Documentation Requirements PREview Application Processing Time
You have a current (unexpired) MCAT approval valid through 2024, AND you are not requesting any additional accommodations. No additional documentation required. 30 days
You have a current MCAT application pending. No additional documentation required unless requested. 60 days
You have a current, unexpired MCAT approval valid through 2024, BUT you are requesting additional or different accommodations than those approved for the MCAT exam. You must submit documentation with your PREview application to support your request. 60 days
You do not have a current MCAT approval or pending application. You must submit documentation with your PREview application. 60 days

Important Notes

  • The PREview accommodations application is separate from the MCAT process. Although we offer a shorter processing time for PREview applicants who have a current MCAT accommodations approval, you must still submit a PREview application should you wish to be considered for PREview accommodations.
  • You must receive your accommodations approval no later than two weeks prior to the testing window for most accommodations to allow time to prepare and implement any approved accommodations. Some accommodations require approval 30 days in advance.
  • All application materials must be in English. 
  • Keep a copy of all documentation you are submitting with your request. The AAMC will not return your documentation or forward it to any third party. If you are required to submit documentation, send it together with your application. Application review will begin when your application is complete with all required documentation and information. Sending documentation separately may result in significant delays.
  • Keep an eye on your email for requests for additional documentation or information. A reviewer may determine that additional information is needed to complete your application and the review. Delays in responding with the requested documentation or information may result in missed test dates.
  • Reconsideration or appeal requests must be formally submitted through one of the available application processes outlined below. Questions must be sent in writing to previewaccommodations@aamc.org. You will receive a response within 2 business days. Some questions may take longer to research.
  • We cannot discuss your application with any third party (including parents) without an Authorization for Release of Information form from you.
Helpful Hints Additional Details
Apply early. Review times can take 30-60 days and processing time starts when your application is complete.
Account for all the time required to review your application and implement any approved accommodations. We recommend scheduling your test date at least 90 days out from the date you submit a completed application. This allows for a 60-day processing time, plus up to 30 days to arrange for any approved accommodations. Some applications require less review time, and most accommodations require less time to arrange, but some require the maximum time. Don’t get caught short.
Review the Documentation Requirements carefully. If you have multiple conditions, read the requirements for each. Share the guidelines with a qualified professional — they can help you make sense of them. Contact the PREview accommodations team at previewaccommodations@aamc.org if you need assistance understanding them. We’re here to help.
Ensure your documentation is current. The currency requirements may differ for certain conditions. Old documentation will cause delays in your application review.
Submit all required documentation. We require more than just an evaluation or approval letters from other standardized exams. You must submit all required documentation as defined in the Documentation Requirements.
Get personal with your personal statement. Augment your evaluation with real life experience, examples, and how the condition affects you. Do not  reiterate the information in the professionals’ evaluation.  
Remember, the PREview application is separate from the MCAT application. Even if you have a current MCAT approval, you must submit a separate application for PREview accommodations.

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Contact AAMC PREview Accommodations
Application Steps

To apply for AAMC PREview accommodations, you will need to submit a brief application.

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AAMC PREview Accommodations FAQs

Get answers to your questions about who should apply for accommodations, documentation requirements, and when and how to apply.

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