AAMC ID and Account Requirements

Estimated Read time: 2 minutes

You must have an AAMC ID, username, and password to register for the PREview exam. If you have accessed other AAMC products and services, such as the Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®), MCAT Official Prep Products, the Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) database, the AAMC Fee Assistance Program, or the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), then you already have an AAMC ID. You must use the same AAMC ID when registering for your AAMC PREview exam.  

If you cannot remember your username or password, you may NOT create a new AAMC ID. Doing so may create delays in the registration process for you. For help recovering your account information, please contact the AAMC Account Help Team or reset your password

Registration and Scheduling Violations 

To protect exam security and integrity, you may not create multiple AAMC IDs for any reason.  

Failure to follow the AAMC PREview registration rules may create identity validation and verification issues, mistakes in the assignment of score results, and other system disruptions. 

If the AAMC suspects you may have committed a registration violation that, if true, would threaten the validity, integrity, or security of the AAMC PREview exam, and there is not sufficient time to fully investigate and resolve the issue before your scheduled exam day, the AAMC may, at its sole discretion, cancel or reschedule your exam day to allow time to conclude the investigation. 

The following are violations of the AAMC PREview registration rules that may result in cancellation of an  appointment, cancellation of your exam score, a ban from taking the AAMC PREview exam for a designated period of time or permanently, or other consequences (refer to Investigation Procedures, Consequences, and Arbitration): 

  • Obtaining more than one AAMC ID
  • Registering for the AAMC PREview exam under another individual’s AAMC ID
  • Providing false or inaccurate information when creating an AAMC ID or registering to take the PREview exam
  • Allowing someone else to register under your AAMC ID
  • Holding multiple reservations at the same time under different AAMC IDs
  • Improperly exceeding the testing limits for the exam
  • Selling or giving away your reservation to someone else
  • Switching registrations with another examinee