Exam Registration

Estimated Read time: 1 minute

The AAMC PREview exam is delivered only on specific dates. The 2025 testing year will run from April through September. Please refer to the PREview website for the current testing dates. 

  • You must register for the exam through the PREview Portal using your AAMC username and password. 
  • Test dates and appointment times will be available on a first-come, first-served basis until they reach capacity. 
  • You are responsible for selecting the correct appointment time and time zone in which you plan to test. Prior to registering: 
    • Note that exam appointments are displayed in the 24-hour (military) clock. 
    • Determine the time zone of your testing location and if the location testing location will be in standard or daylight savings time. 
      • If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment to correct mistakes when selecting a time or time zone, you will be responsible for paying related fees. 
  • Registration deadlines vary by testing window. Deadline extensions will not be granted for any reason.