Unusual Circumstances

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If you attempted graduate-level coursework while formally enrolled in an undergraduate program, credit for the graduate coursework is counted toward the undergraduate degree requirements:

  • Do not assign GR status to any professional or graduate-level coursework applied to an undergraduate degree. The graduate-level coursework should be listed with the appropriate status (i.e., FR, SO, JR, SR, or PB) at the time the courses were attempted.

If you have attempted undergraduate-level coursework while formally enrolled in a graduate program and the undergraduate coursework does not count toward the graduate degree requirements:

  • List the undergraduate-level coursework under PB status, not under GR status, if you previously earned a bachelor's degree. If you have not previously earned a bachelor’s degree, the undergraduate-level coursework should be assigned with the appropriate undergraduate status (i.e., FR, SO, JR, and SR).

If you have enrolled simultaneously in undergraduate and graduate programs (e.g., bachelor’s-master’s dual degree):

  • The graduate-level coursework will count toward a graduate degree, and you should list it under graduate status at the time the courses were attempted. Assign the undergraduate-level coursework the appropriate undergraduate status (FR, SO, JR, SR).

If you have enrolled in a dual-degree program and the graduate-level coursework will count toward both the graduate and undergraduate degrees:

  • List the graduate-level coursework with both the appropriate undergraduate and graduate academic statuses.

If you have enrolled in a professional degree program (e.g., nursing, pharmacy, veterinary medicine) for a bachelor’s degree:

  • Assign the coursework FR, SO, JR, and SR statuses.

If you have enrolled in a professional degree program (e.g., law, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine) for a doctorate degree before receiving a bachelor’s degree:

  • Refer to your transcript or contact the school to confirm course level. In many cases, GR status may be assigned to professional-level coursework leading to a doctorate degree, even if you have not earned an undergraduate degree.