Courses attempted independently (not through a study abroad program) at a foreign institution must be listed if the credit has been transferred to a U.S. or Canadian institution by using a credit-hour system convertible to semester hours. Courses include those taken in a foreign country before formally enrolling in a U.S. or Canadian institution as well as those taken independently after enrolling in a U.S. or Canadian institution.
In Schools Attended, list the U.S. or Canadian institution that granted your transfer credit and list the foreign school.
- You must request a transcript exception for the foreign institution and select the reason Foreign Institution or study abroad program sponsored by U.S., U.S. territorial, or Canadian institution — Credits transferred.
- When asked if the credits from the foreign school were transferred, you must select Yes and select the name of the U.S. or Canadian institution that granted the credit.
- List foreign coursework as it appears on the U.S. or Canadian transcript under the foreign institution at which it was attempted. Do not list the coursework twice.
- If transfer credits are not assigned to individual courses, subdivide the credit-hour total as appropriate and assign credit hours to each course.
- If the U.S. or Canadian institution awarding transfer credit provides letter grades (e.g., A, B, C) and credit hours convertible to semester hours for each course on your transcript, enter all required course data. The AMCAS program will include the coursework in your AMCAS GPAs, regardless of institutional policies.
- If the U.S. or Canadian institution does not provide letter grades other than pass-fail:
- Indicate Pass/Fail as the Special Course Type and provide all other required course data, entering the transcript grade exactly as it appears on your official transcript.
- The AMCAS program will include this coursework in your cumulative Pass/Fail-Pass and
Pass/Fail-Fail credit-hour totals, not in your AMCAS GPAs.