Any course with credit hours and a letter grade is calculated in the AMCAS GPAs, regardless of whether the credit was counted toward a degree or toward a school-calculated GPA.
- If you enter grades on your application that are not listed on your official transcript, they will not be included in your AMCAS GPAs. Conversely, if you do not enter grades on your application that appear on your official transcript on file with the AMCAS program, those grades will be included in your AMCAS GPAs during the verification process.
- Most courses with the AMCAS Course Type listed below are not included in AMCAS GPA calculations. Instead, the total number of hours for each of these categories is reported to medical schools under the heading “Supplemental Hours.”
- Pass/Fail-Pass
- Pass/Fail-Fail
- Advanced Placement (AP) Credit
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Other Test Credit
- Any courses with any of the following course types on your official transcript have no value or weight in your AMCAS GPA:
Symbol Meaning AU Audited courses CC Courses you are currently taking or expect to take DG Multiterm courses (incomplete series, for which your grade is deferred) EX Exempt courses NR Courses for which there is no recorded grade because of school error W Courses from which you have officially withdrawn, or you have dropped