Status of Letters

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You may check the receipt status of any of your letters in the Letters of Evaluation section or by selecting the Details link in the Transcript and Letter Receipt Information section on the Main Menu. You will also receive an email notification each time a letter of evaluation is added to your AMCAS application.

  • You may continue to add letters to your application and assign them to medical schools after the initial submission of your application, but you may not edit or delete existing information after your initial submission.
  • Once the AMCAS program receives a letter, no party may delete or edit it. Any letters that follow an original letter with the same AMCAS Letter ID will be appended to the original letter and sent to all medical schools selected as recipients of that original letter.
  • Under no circumstances will the AMCAS program provide access to letters of evaluation to you or your letter authors.
  • Medical schools may require letters of evaluation to be written on official letterhead and signed by the author(s).
  • You must comply with each medical school’s letter deadline(s).
  • Please consult your prehealth advisor about questions or concerns regarding your letters of evaluation.
  • Please refer to the MSAR guide for additional details.