We highly recommend you use a personal copy of your official transcript(s) as a reference while you enter your coursework in the application. A readily available copy of your official transcript will help ensure your coursework information is complete and accurate. Some information that appears on your official transcript may not appear on an unofficial transcript. Entering incorrect coursework information (e.g., omitting coursework, grades, or credits, or supplying incorrect grades) may affect your AMCAS GPAs and could result in delayed processing and even missed deadlines.
When entering coursework, you must include course information, corresponding grades, and credit hours for every course you have ever enrolled in at any U.S., U.S. territorial, or Canadian postsecondary institution, regardless of whether you earned credit.
Coursework includes but is not limited to:
- All attempts at courses that have been repeated, including any courses removed from your transcript or GPA as a result of academic bankruptcy or institutional forgiveness policies.
- Courses removed from your transcripts or GPA as a result of academic bankruptcy, forgiveness, or similar institutional policies.
- Courses from which you withdrew.
- Courses for which you received a grade of Incomplete and for which no final grade has been assigned.
- Courses you failed, regardless of whether you repeated them.
- Remedial and developmental courses.
- College-level courses you took while in middle or high school even if no college counted them toward a degree.
- Courses taken at an American college overseas.
- Physical education and music courses.
- U.S. and foreign MD courses (DO courses should be listed under regular coursework).
Red asterisks (*) appear next to fields required by the AMCAS program. Although certain fields contain no asterisk (such as Transcript Grade and Credit Hours), you must complete these fields with information as it appears on your official transcript. Several tutorials are available for you to learn more about how to enter coursework. They appear on the AMCAS Tools and Tutorials website, and they’re linked at the beginning of the Coursework section.
Watch the video tutorials about entering different types of coursework.