AMCAS GPA Reports to Medical Schools

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  • AMCAS GPAs are reported to medical schools for each academic status (high school [HS], freshman [FR], sophomore [SO], junior [JR], senior [SR], postbaccalaureate [PB], and graduate [GR]). In addition, two separate GPAs are calculated for coursework listed as biology, chemistry, physics, math (BCPM), and all other (AO). Postbaccalaureate coursework is included in the Undergraduate Total GPA and a separate Postbaccalaureate GPA.
  • The chart below shows how the information is presented to schools for a student who completed undergraduate coursework in three years and took no college-level courses in high school.
Verified Grade-Point Averages
GPA calculations will appear only when your application status is “Processed.”

BCPM GPA BCPM Hours AO GPA AO Hours Total GPA Total Hours
High School            
Freshman 3.29 28.00 3.43 7.00 3.32 35.00
Sophomore 3.26 34.00 2.00 7.00 3.04 41.00
Senior 3.62 27.00 3.00 3.00 3.60 30.00
Postbaccalaureate Undergraduate            
Cumulative Undergraduate 3.44 89.00 3.33 17.00 3.42 106.00
Supplemental Hours: P/F-Pass: P/F-Fail: AP:70 CLEP Other: