You will need an AAMC ID and an associated username and password to apply for the AAMC Fee Assistance Program. If you have previously created an AAMC ID at any time, for any reason (such as to purchase or access MCAT Official Prep products, the Medical School Admission Requirements™ (MSAR®) database, the MCAT exam, the AMCAS application, or any other AAMC products and services), you must use the same username and password to apply for the AAMC Fee Assistance Program.
If you do not already have an AAMC ID, you will be directed to create an account and establish a username and password when initiating your AAMC Fee Assistance Program application. Please be aware that Fee Assistance Program benefits are linked to the AAMC ID used to submit the application. Therefore, you must use the same AAMC ID when ordering AAMC products and services for the benefits to apply.
If you cannot remember your username or password, DO NOT create a new AAMC ID. The login page provides options to reset your password or request your username. If you encounter problems resetting your password or answering the self-service security questions, contact the AAMC access team. You may not create multiple AAMC IDs for any reason without the prior written consent of the AAMC.
If you believe you have multiple accounts or you created a duplicate account in error, contact the AAMC access team to resolve the situation. Allow up to two business days for a response. Please do not move forward with your Fee Assistance Program application until your account issues are resolved.
Entering false information or creating multiple AAMC IDs may result in an investigation. Please refer to the Violations and Investigations section of this guide for more information.