Important Requirement: Parental Information

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Note: Unlike some federally funded aid programs, the Fee Assistance Program requires you to provide your parents’ financial information if you are under age 26 at the time of submission regardless of your:

  • Marital status.
  • Age.
  • Tax filing status (independent or dependent).
  • Parents’ country of residence.
  • Parents’ willingness to provide documentation.

If you are under age 26 at the time of submission, your parents' financial information and supporting tax documentation are required regardless of your marital status, your age, your tax filing status (independent or dependent), your parents' country of residence, or whether your parents are willing to provide documentation.

Parental information is described in more detail below. Your parents’ financial information is considered separately from your financial information. However, each household (yours and your parents’) must fall within the poverty guidelines of the Fee Assistance Program described above.