Address Guidelines

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You will be required to provide proof of a U.S.-based home address. The documentation or identification that you submit must include:

  • Your full name.
  • Your current U.S. address.

The following documentation and forms of ID will be accepted as proof of a U.S.-based home address:

  • Fully signed, unexpired lease or rental agreement with your name listed as the lessee, permitted resident, or renter (may be a photocopy).
  • Your driver’s license or government ID, unexpired (entire ID with no evidence of tampering, such as clipped corners or holes; may be a photocopy).
    • Please be aware that the AAMC does not accept passports as proof of a U.S.-based home address since passports do not include a home address. 
  • The following documentation issued within the last 60 days of the date you submit your application (may be a photocopy):
    • Utility bill (water, gas, electric, oil, or cable).
    • Telephone bill (landline, cell phone, or wireless are acceptable).
    • Bank, credit card, or investment account statement.
    • Student loan statement.
    • Letter on official letterhead issued by any U.S. university or college registrar’s office.
    • Official mail received from any government agency.
    • Government check or employer paycheck.

If you are a Canadian resident who is interested in fee assistance but you do not have a U.S.-based home address, you may be interested in the Canadian Fee Assistance Program.

For Canadian residents who wish to learn more about the eligibility criteria, the application process, and deadlines for the Canadian Fee Assistance Program, please visit the Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada’s (AFMC) website.