Taking the MCAT® and PREview® Exams

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The AAMC has resources and practice products to help you no matter where you are in this process.

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Premed Journey: Applying your Academic and Professional Skills

The Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) exam provides medical schools with a standardized evaluation of your basic knowledge of the natural, behavioral, and social sciences. The AAMC PREview® professional readiness exam is an opportunity for you to showcase your knowledge of competencies that go beyond academic readiness, such as your professional skills (ex: service orientation, teamwork, resilience, and reliability). 

Together, your MCAT exam and PREview exam scores, coursework, GPA, volunteer and life experiences, work and activities, letters of recommendation, and more provide medical schools with a more complete and balanced view of your ability to further develop the premed competencies while you are in medical school. 

Preparing for Your Exams

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Prepare for the MCAT Exam

“What’s the best way to prepare for the MCAT exam?” Preparing for the exam takes time, dedication, and time management. The AAMC has resources and practice products to help you no matter where you are in this process. Learn More

Prepare for the PREview Exam

The PREview exam is an opportunity to showcase your potential to develop into a well-rounded doctor. Explore free advice, strategies, and preparation resources to help you prepare to complete the PREview exam. Learn More

Taking Your Exams

Taking the MCAT Exam

The MCAT exam assesses problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science concepts and principles. Learn more about what you need to know to successfully complete your exam.

Taking the PREview Exam

The PREview exam is designed to assess examinees’ understanding of effective professional behavior most relevant for entering medical students. Part of being confident and prepared to take your PREview exam is knowing what to expect and what is expected of you while you are testing. Learn more about what you need to know to successfully complete your exam.

Additional Resources

The MCAT Essentials for Testing Year 2024

The MCAT Essentials provides you with information about registration, scheduling your exam, test-day policies, post-test-day procedures, and the rules in place to protect the integrity of the exam. It also includes information about AAMC MCAT preparation resources as well as other helpful resources.

The PREview Essentials for Testing Year 2024

The PREview Essentials is the official policy and procedure guide for the AAMC PREview exam and the information within is necessary for a smooth registration, testing, and score reporting experience and is required reading for all AAMC PREview examinees.

2024 Testing Calendars

U.S. MCAT Calendar, Scheduling Deadlines, and Score Release Dates

2024 MCAT calendar, scheduling deadlines, and score release dates for U.S. testing centers. Follow @AAMC_MCAT for updates and announcements!

Canadian MCAT Calendar, Scheduling Deadlines, and Score Release Dates

2024 MCAT calendar, scheduling deadlines, and score release dates for Canadian testing centers. Follow @AAMC_MCAT for updates and announcements!

U.S. Territories and International MCAT Testing Calendar

2024 MCAT test dates for U.S. territories and international locations.

PREview 2024 Testing Calendar

2024 PREview calendar, registration deadlines, and score release dates.

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Contact the AAMC Premed Team
Popular Premed Resources

Consider this page your primary destination for comprehensive, on-the-go resources that you can download and share with others, to support successful pathways to medical school.

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Premed Resources "Cheat Sheet"

This "cheat sheet" is a one-stop-shop of links to resources, guidance, tips, and more about AAMC services and programs (SHPEP, FAP, FIRST, MSAR guide, MCAT exam, PREview exam, AMCAS system) to help you conquer the medical school application process.

Premed Calendar

See upcoming events, webinars, and important deadlines.

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