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Consider this page your primary destination for comprehensive, on-the-go resources that you can download and share with others to support successful pathways to medical school.
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Use this resource from the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) to locate an advisor to support your medical school/health professions aspirations, if you do not have advisor support on your home campus.
Your prehealth advisor can be one of your best resources along your path to medical school. Here are some tips to help you find and work with your advisor.

Here are some tips and best practices to help parents navigate the medical school application process with the applicant.

SHPEP is a free, transformative summer experience for students interested in the health professions. Participation may better position students for acceptance into advanced degree programs.
Use this resource to better prepare your students for the SHPEP application process.

Summer is a great time to get medically related experience, which can be an important piece of a medical school application. You can volunteer, shadow a doctor, work in a lab, or participate in a summer program that may include several of these experiences.

Learn how the 17 premed competencies help you successfully learn and develop in medical school and become effective physicians.
Public Health Training Opportunities for Premedical and Prehealth Students.

A medical student answers questions about why she chose a BS-MD program, and how her classes differ from those in an undergraduate program.

Here are ten things to keep in mind this year, whether you’re applying to medical school, taking a gap year, or just starting to pursue a career in medicine.
"If you want to stand out, think about what is in your application that isn't likely to be in anyone else's application," says one expert.
You know the time and effort you put into your medical school and secondary applications, but what happens after you click submit? Here is what the process looks like for medical school admissions officers and staff.