Premed Navigator

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Guiding you on your path to medical school. The AAMC Premed Navigator features important topics, resources, tips, and key dates for aspiring physicians. 

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Applying to Medical School
Testimonials by current medical students who received AAMC Fee Assistance Program benefits during their premed journey.
Premed Navigator
Exciting changes to the Summer Health Professions Education Program.
SHPEP participants pictured over a mannequin while taking heartbeat
Premed Navigator
Admissions officers bust common medical school application myths.
Three college students looking at a laptop
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Things to do over winter break for premeds.
Premed Navigator
5 application tips for the SHPEP program application.
Premed Navigator
Things to know about the AAMC PREview® exam.
Premed Navigator
Read the three things the MCAT® team recommends you do before applying for accommodations.
Premed Navigator
New in the 2024 AMCAS® application.
Premed Navigator
decide if you should take the AAMC PREview exam
Premed Navigator
Learn about the importance of mission alignment when selecting a medical school and discover how to research medical school missions.

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