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These testimonials showcase stories by current medical students who received AAMC Fee Assistance Program benefits during their premed journey. Each student profile includes how the student used fee assistance benefits, additional benefits they may have received, and tips for premeds completing the Fee Assistance Program application.
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These testimonials showcase stories by current medical students who received AAMC Fee Assistance Program benefits during their premed journey. Each student profile includes how the student used fee assistance benefits, additional benefits they may have received, and tips for premeds completing the Fee Assistance Program application.

I truthfully would not have been able to apply to medical school when I did if it weren't for AAMC Fee Assistance Program and therefore, I wouldn't be enjoying my first term of med school like I am now. As such, I am immensely grateful for the enormous opportunity and privilege this program has afforded me.

The journey to medical school is costly. Coming from a low-income household made it difficult to apply to all of the programs that I wanted to apply to, but after receiving the AAMC Fee Assistance Program benefits, I could do just that.

Receiving AAMC Fee Assistance benefits turned my dream into a practical enterprise. The AMCAS® fees, secondary fees, and MCAT® prep would have put an inordinate strain on me and my family’s finances otherwise. I’m truly grateful for this program enabling me to focus on becoming a better applicant and essentially giving me the chance to matriculate to the special institution I now call home.

I knew early on that paying for medical school applications was going to be a tremendous barrier for me. I chose to set that worry aside to focus on studying for the MCAT® exam and refining my personal statement. When the time came, it became very clear I lacked the funds necessary to register for the MCAT exam and submit my applications as a financially independent student. These benefits opened the door for me to apply to medical school and fulfill my dream of being accepted. I cannot express enough gratitude for this program and the opportunities it provided.

I always heard my fellow friends and classmates complain about financial burden from taking the MCAT and applying to multiple schools. I applied to almost 20 schools for free; most of my secondary application fees were waived, so I did not have to worry about that either.
Without the help of the AAMC Fee Assistance benefits program, I would not have been able to pursue a career in medicine. This program changed the cost of the medical school application process from an insurmountable barrier to a problem that could be overcome. Through this program, I was able to connect with amazing schools, to learn about different programs, and to see what metrics were important for matriculating into medical school. If you qualify, I highly encourage you to use this program to help realize your dreams.

As a first-generation college student from a low-income background, the AAMC Fee Assistance program made it possible for me to apply to medical school.

I will always be indebted to the AAMC Fee Assistance program, which single-handedly enabled me to put my best foot forward while applying to medical school.

There are countless students giving up on a dream because they're looking at a price tag, and this program can help remove that price tag and they should know it's available to them.

Receiving the AAMC Fee Assistance benefits made studying for the MCAT, taking the MCAT, and applying to medical school significantly more accessible than I could have hoped prior to receiving the benefits. Because of the benefits I received I had access to study materials I wouldn’t otherwise have been able to afford.

The Fee Assistance Program helped me stay out of debt when applying to schools, and I was able to apply more broadly without having to worry about the cost. Although I applied a bit late, I’m so glad I did!

I was able to apply to many more schools than I would have been able to otherwise, and I cannot thank the AAMC enough for all of the benefits of this program.