AAMC PREview® Exam FAQs

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Get answers to your questions about scheduling, taking the exam, and sending your score.

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The AAMC developed the PREview exam with the support of medical schools to help the schools more easily identify the applicants who demonstrate the professional competencies for entering medical students: Interpersonal Skills, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Humility, Empathy and Compassion, Teamwork and Collaboration, Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others, Reliability and Dependability, Resilience and Adaptability, and Commitment to Learning and Growth. 

The proctor’s purpose is two-fold: 1) to secure the exam so that no examinee gains an unfair advantage over any other examinee and, 2) to provide support an examinee should they have a technical question or experience any technical issue while taking the exam. A proctor will log into the exam session with you and will communicate with you and monitor your exam through your computer’s video camera and microphone. The proctor will check you in by verifying your identity and confirming that you do not have access to any unauthorized applications, programs, or materials. The check-in process includes a visual scan of your entire workspace. You will be in the proctor’s view throughout your exam, and you will be able to contact the proctor at any time if you need assistance with the system. Additionally, if at any time during your exam the proctor has reason to believe you are using prohibited items or engaging in prohibited behaviors, your proctor may interrupt to request clarification of your activity, and if necessary, terminate your exam.

The PREview exam does not replace the MCAT exam, rather it complements academic metrics such as the MCAT exam and GPA. It provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the professional competencies that are integral to success in medical school and beyond.

After many years of research, the AAMC determined that the format used for the PREview exam is the most reliable method for assessing these competencies. When scores from an exam are “reliable,” this means, in part, that they have the same meaning across time. Therefore, if you decide to delay applying to medical school or you reapply to medical school, your score is valid for multiple years. The choice to retake the exam is completely up to you. 

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