AAMC PREview® Exam FAQs

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AAMC PREview Score

The AAMC will release scores to examinees on the scheduled score release day that corresponds with their exam day. The AAMC will release score reports to schools on the same days. 

When you register for your exam, you will have the option to release your score report to your prehealth advisor. If your school has a designated, AAMC-approved health professions advisor who has met the AAMC-established requirements and confidentiality protocols, and you have elected to release your score to the advisor, the AAMC will share your score report on the score release date associated with your exam date. If an undergraduate institution does not have a designated health professions advisor or has not identified the advisor to the AAMC, we cannot release your scores to the institution.

PREview scores will be automatically reflected in your AMCAS application on the scheduled score release date – you do not need to take any additional action to include your PREview score in your AMCAS application.

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