Taking the MCAT® Exam

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Get ready to take the MCAT®  Exam

Ask yourself three questions to help you decide when to test.

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The Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) assesses your knowledge of natural and social sciences concepts and your critical thinking and scientific problem-solving skills required to begin the study of medicine. Learn more about what’s tested on the MCAT exam. 

Register for the MCAT Exam

Access the MCAT Registration System to register and schedule your MCAT exam.


What's New

MCAT Registration for 2025 Will Open in October  

Registration for January through June 2025 exam dates will begin on Wed., Oct. 2 at 11 a.m. ET. Take a look at our website for more information about registration, including the 2025 calendar of test dates and score release dates

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MCAT Registration 101

Registration for January through June 2025 exam MCAT dates will open on Wed., Oct. 2. Read these tips to make your registration process go as smoothly as possible.

Read these tips!

3 Things to do Before you Apply for Accommodations

If you have a disability or medical condition that you believe requires an adjustment to standard testing conditions, we encourage you to apply for accommodated testing. Take these helpful steps to get started.  

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Prepare for and Take the MCAT Exam

Preparing for the MCAT exam takes time, dedication, and a plan. The AAMC has resources and practice products to help you no matter where you are in the preparation process.

The MCAT exam is offered multiple times in 2024 from January and March through September at hundreds of test sites in the United States, Canada, and around the world.

If you have a disability or medical condition that you believe requires an adjustment to standard testing conditions, we encourage you to apply for accommodated testing. 

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Part of being as confident and prepared as possible to take your MCAT exam is knowing what to expect and what is expected of you at the testing center.

Get answers to your questions about MCAT registration, scores, and more.

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