MCAT® Test Day

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Part of being as confident and prepared as possible to take your MCAT® exam is knowing what to expect and what is expected of you while at the testing center.

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Test Day Rules

The AAMC is committed to ensuring the accuracy and validity of test scores and providing examinees with fair and secure testing conditions. To do this, the staff at each test center strictly adhere to a set of common procedures. For a complete list of policies, see the MCAT Essentials.

An Open Letter From the AAMC: Honoring Your Examinee Agreement
When you register for the MCAT exam and in an abridged form on test day, you will certify to have read the MCAT Examinee Agreement. Reading, understanding, and honoring this document is important for all examinees not only when preparing for the exam, but as aspiring physicians. Learn more about the significance of this document.

Guidelines for Discussing the MCAT Exam
Know what you can and can't discuss after you take your MCAT exam.

Testing Center Regulations and Procedures
Learn about the policies and procedures each MCAT examinee must adhere to on test day.


On Test Day

When you arrive at the test center, you will need to check-in with the Test Administrator. You will be asked to sign-in, present valid identification, have your palms digitally scanned, and have a test-day photograph taken. 

Valid Identification for MCAT Examinees
To be admitted into the testing room, you will need to present an ID that meets the AAMC's requirements for valid identification. Learn more about the criteria your ID must meet to be considered valid.

Items Allowed in Testing Room
Know what items you are allowed to have with you in the testing room. A complete list of prohibited items can be found in the MCAT Essentials. 

​​Items Allowed During Breaks
During the MCAT exam, you will have two 10-minute breaks and one 30-minute mid-exam break. During these times, know what you can and cannot access.

MCAT Test Day Noteboard Booklet
To make any notes or calculations during your exam, you will be given a noteboard booklet and fine-point marker. Learn more about the noteboard booklets.

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Contact the MCAT® Program

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. ET Closed Wednesday, 3-5 p.m. ET

Online Contact Form

MCAT Security Tip Line

The MCAT program considers the integrity and security of the exam process to be very important. If you observe any irregular behavior or exam security violations before, during, or after an examination, there are three options for reporting. 

1: STOPit! Anonymous Reporting App:   

stopit - Android Apps on Google Play 

STOPit App on the App Store ( 


2: AAMC Webform 

3: Call  202-903-0840

MCAT Essentials

Read the MCAT Essentials for Testing Year 2023.

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