Reporting a Test Center Concern

Estimated Read time: 3 minutes

If you believe that an issue or disruption at the test center interfered with your performance on the exam, including an issue with the delivery of your approved and scheduled accommodations, and you wish to have the AAMC investigate what occurred, you must:

  • Ask the test administrator to file a case report at the time the incident occurs. Ask for the case report number so you can include it in your Test Center Concern service request.
    • If you do not ask the test administrator to witness and document your concerns at the time the problem occurs, the AAMC will be limited in its ability to research your test center concern.
    • The test center is not responsible for researching or resolving any problems you experienced (only the AAMC can do that); however, filing the case report the day of the exam allows the AAMC to act on your Test Center Concern.
  • You must submit the MCAT Test Center Concern (TCC) service request form through the MCAT Registration System no later than five calendar days after your exam. Concerns received after five calendar days or sent via other channels other than the service request form in the MCAT Registration System will not be investigated.
    • After you file a Test Center Concern, the AAMC will investigate the issues you reported and will provide a written response. The AAMC may, in rare situations and at its sole discretion, offer an additional remedy to include the option to void the exam and/or a refund. These are the exclusive remedies available following the submission of a TCC.
    • We will not investigate your concern based solely on the case report filed by the test administrator. You must submit a test center concern for an investigation to take place regardless of a case report being filed by the test center or if you left information in the End of Day survey.
    • You will receive an automatic email confirmation upon submission. If you do not receive an automatic email, we did not receive your TCC submission.
    • Your results will not be scored differently, nor your score reports notated in any way because of a test center concern investigation.
    • Test Center Concerns are confidential. Submitting a TCC does not impact your score, and a record of the TCC is not reported to institutions by AAMC.
    • The investigation process or response can take up to 35 days from the date of your exam. In the event that we are unable to complete our Test Center Concern investigation prior to the scheduled score release, your score may be held until the investigation is concluded.
      • If your score is on hold, you will not be able to view or release your score until it is released.

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