Breaks, Food, and Drink

Estimated Read time: 2 minutes

The MCAT exam contains three optional, scheduled breaks. Follow the exam schedule carefully (refer to MCAT Exam Content). Taking breaks longer than the allotted time can lead to loss of exam time or ability to void the exam. If your break exceeds the allotted time, any overage may be subtracted from the time in the following test section. 

  • You will need to allow time for check-in procedures when you return from your break.
  • You will be responsible for tracking your break time using the clock in the test center waiting area. If you do not see a clock, you may ask the test center staff where you can monitor your time. Test center staff are not responsible for recording or tracking your time.
  • You will not be permitted to leave the test center floor or building to retrieve food or drink, nor will you be permitted to have food or drink delivered to the testing center.
  • You are permitted to bring your own food and drinks; however, these items must be stored outside the testing room in your assigned locker or other storage provided to you at the test center. You may access them on your breaks. There are no microwaves or refrigerators available in the test centers for your use.
  • If you return from a break before the break time expires, you will be required to continue the exam immediately upon being seated. Any remaining break time will not be applied to subsequent sections of the exam or future or scheduled breaks.
  • If you finish a section early, you must end that section before taking your break. If you finish a section early, you may continue to the next section and skip your break, but additional time will not carry over to any subsequent sections or breaks, should you choose to take your break. You will not be able to return to a previous section once it has been completed. 
  • If you take an unscheduled break at any time, your testing time will not stop.
  • Outside guests are not allowed in the testing center at any time.

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Next: Scoring or Voiding Your Exam