Application Guidelines and Requirements

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To help you submit  complete application, please review the following information about the application process. 

For additional guidance on which type of application to submit, please visit our page Which MCAT Accommodations Application Should I Submit?

Initial Applications

1. Complete the application questions and prompts in the MCAT Accommodation Services online application system.


2. Include a personal statement.  

A personal statement is a narrative written from your perspective that describes your current functional limitations, history of accommodations, and what you feel is necessary to “level the playing field” on the MCAT exam. This helps us understand your unique experience that may not be captured elsewhere in your documentation.

Here are some quick dos and don'ts regarding the information you include in your statement.

Information to include  Information to leave out

A description of the things you would have difficulty doing (i.e., functional limitations) if you were to take the MCAT exam under standard conditions. 

What would go wrong if you took the exam under standard conditions?  Examples from past standardized test experiences (e.g., SAT, ACT, GRE), if available, are helpful.

A reiteration of what your qualified professionals have said in your documentation. 

It is ok to explain something you feel your qualified professional may have left out, but you don't need to to restate information included in your documentation.

A description of your history of accommodations and how your impairment(s) impacted your academic experiences.

If you do not have a history of accommodations, explain why.  If you are asking for an accommodation you have never used before, explain why.

A description of each of your educational experiences. 

Instead, focus on the situations during your educational experiences that highlight your need for the requested accommodations.

3. Submit a current comprehensive evaluation  

A current comprehensive evaluation is a detailed written report from your evaluator and is a critical component of your application. Specific evaluation components may vary depending on your impairment(s). To ensure your evaluator includes the necessary information, please share. What Evaluators Need to Know and the relevant evaluation guidelines listed below:

*For our purposes, Acquired Brain Injury  includes any type of insult or injury to your brain, (e.g., concussion, traumatic brain injury, cognitive changes due to illness, etc.).

4. Academic and medical supporting documentation

Academic and medical supporting documentation is generally required or recommended for most applications. Please refer to the chart below for information regarding what documentation should be submitted in support of your application for accommodations.

  Academic Transcripts Standardized Test Score Reports* Verification of Previous Accommodation* Supporting Academic Records Previous Evaluations
Acquired Brain Injury Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Required If Applicable Required
ADHD Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Required Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended
Learning Disability Strongly Recommended Required Required Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended
Physical Disability If Applicable If Applicable Required If Applicable If Applicable
Psychiatric Disability Strongly Recommended If Applicable Required Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended
Sensory Disability Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended Required Strongly Recommended Strongly Recommended

*Submission of these documents is only required in cases where applicants have taken such tests or received these services in the past.

  • Required: This document is necessary to complete your review. Omission is likely to result in an incomplete application (i.e., delayed determination).
  • Strongly Recommended: This document is typically necessary for a full review. Omission may result in an incomplete application (i.e., a delayed determination).
  • If Applicable: This document may not be necessary if the onset of your impairment occurred after this document was created. We suggest you submit the document to ensure your application is complete and that you remain on schedule for your review cycle.

Academic Transcripts

Academic transcripts for high school, undergraduate, and any post-graduate education should be submitted according to the chart above, regardless of the date of diagnosis. You may upload unofficial transcripts distributed by your academic institution. Your supporting documentation must include your name.

Standardized Test Scores

Scores should be submitted for all standardized tests that have been taken such as, SAT, ACT, and GRE. Official or unofficial copies from third parties are acceptable and must include your name. Score information should be submitted according to the information in the chart above, regardless of the date of diagnosis. If you have never taken a standardized test, submission of this documentation is not required.

Verification of Previous Accommodations

Official verification documents for accommodations include those received in educational institutions (e.g., IEPs, Section 504 plans, or Disability Support Services letters) and on standardized tests(e.g., SAT, ACT, GRE). The documentation should identify the specific accommodations received and the time period during which they were received. If you have no prior history of receiving accommodations, submission of this documentation is not required.

Supporting Academic Records

This documentation assists us in understanding your functional limitations and need for accommodations. It may include (but is not limited to) earlier report cards, school progress reports, tutoring evaluations, notes regarding unofficial accommodations provided, teacher comments reflecting past and/or current academic difficulties, clinical notes or documentation from pediatricians/primary care physicians/other service providers referencing academic issues.

Previous Evaluations

While a current comprehensive assessment of your functional limitations is necessary, it is also helpful to have historical documentation (such as previous assessments documenting your impairment and addressing your need for accommodations) to provide us with a holistic view of your need for accommodations.

Reconsideration Requests

  • Complete the necessary application questions in the application system. Please note: You will not be able to revise the history section; this reflects your history at the time of your initial submission.
  • Submit new and substantial information that has not previously been provided. 
    • The additional information or documentation (e.g., such as new test results, information from a different qualified professional, etc.) should add to our understanding of your functioning. You may wish to consult your evaluator or another qualified professional for assistance identifying additional documentation to submit in support of your request. 
    • A follow-up letter written by you, or a qualified professional, that only conveys previously provided information is insufficient documentation to support a Reconsideration request.
  • Please note: You do not need to re-submit previously submitted documentation.

Appeal Requests

  • Complete the necessary application questions and prompts in the application system. Please note: You will not be able to revise the history section; this reflects your history at the time of your initial submission.
  • No additional documentation is necessary.
  • Please note: You do not need to re-submit previously submitted documentation.

Extension Requests

  • Complete the necessary application questions and prompts in the application system. Please note: You will not be able to revise the history section; this reflects the history at the time of your initial submission.
  • Depending on the nature of your impairment, you may be required to submit updated documentation to support your continuing need for accommodations.
    • Examples of conditions that may need updated information from your qualified professional  include pregnancy, injury, or psychiatric impairments as the status of or impact from these conditions is likely to change over time.
  • Please note: You do not need to re-submit previously submitted documentation.

Incomplete Applications

  • Submit the requested documentation from you or your qualified professional.
  • Specific information regarding what additional documentation is needed is provided in your determination letter.


Keep in mind

  • All application materials must be in English. Materials submitted in another language will not be reviewed.
  • Keep a copy of all documentation you are submitting with your request. The AAMC will not return your documentation.
  • Your accommodation application history, documentation, and determination letters are maintained in our application system for five years from the date of your most recent determination. We recommend keeping a copy of your determination letter for your records.
  • All applications and supporting documentation should be submitted via our application system. 
  • If your determination is due on a weekend or holiday, you can expect to receive a determination on or before the next business day.
  • Determinations cannot be changed over the phone or by email. Requests must be made through our application system.
  • We cannot discuss your application with any third party (including parents) without an Authorization for Release of Information form from you, which can be completed in the Service Request section in our online application system.
  • If necessary, your application may be forwarded for further review to an external reviewer with expertise in the area of your impairment at the discretion of the Director of Accommodation Services. Your documentation will be kept strictly confidential.

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Contact MCAT Accommodations Services

Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET

Pearson VUE Accommodations Scheduling

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET (excluding holidays) 

MCAT Exam Testing Conditions
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MCAT Exam with Accommodations FAQ
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MCAT Accommodations Financial Benefit
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All documentation submitted in support of your request for accommodations is confidential.

To protect the applicant, MCAT Accommodation Services will not accept inquiries from third parties regarding an applicant or their application request, unless specifically authorized to do so. Applicants can locate and submit the Authorization to Release Health Information Pertaining to MCAT Accommodations in MCAT Accommodations Online under “Submit Service Requests”. MCAT Accommodation Services will not release any part of the documentation unless compelled by legal process, except for the purpose of determining eligibility for MCAT testing accommodations.

In addition to the statements made above, any personal information provided to MCAT Accommodation Services will be handled in accordance with the AAMC Privacy Statement