What Does it Mean to Make Sure You “Fit” with a School’s Mission?

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It's important to learn what your desired school's mission statement is and explore how it fits your medical career goals.

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As you go through the medical school admissions process, it’s easy to forget that it’s not just about a medical school choosing you. It's also about you choosing a medical school that is the right fit for you. Many medical schools use a holistic admissions approach to select the students that will best meet their institutions' mission, values, and goals. This is what is known as “mission-fit.”

To determine whether a school is a good fit for you, a great place to start is by reviewing the mission statements of each of the medical schools you are interested in applying to. Every school has their own unique mission statement, which guides what they look for in their medical students. By understanding a particular school’s mission statement, you can determine whether your own interests, values, and goals align with the school.

To learn more about mission-fit and why it's important to consider as you apply, hear directly from three admissions officers in the webinar below: Mission Fit: Applying to the Right Medical Schools for You.


This webinar is a part of the Ask Admissions Webinar Series. All webinars are recorded and archived on the AMCAS Tools and Tutorials page. 

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