Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior Section: Foundational Concept 6

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Biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors influence the ways that individuals perceive, think about, and react to the world.

The way in which we sense, perceive, think about, and react to stimuli affects our experiences. Foundational concept 6 focuses on these components of experience, starting with the initial detection and perception of stimuli through cognition, and continuing to emotion and stress.

With these building blocks, medical students will be able to learn about the ways in which cognitive and perceptual processes influence their understanding of health and illness.

Content Category 6A

Category 6A: Sensing the environment focuses on the detection and perception of sensory information.

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Content Category 6B

Category 6B: Making sense of the environment focuses on cognition, including our ability to attend to the environment, think about and remember what we experience, and use language to communicate with others.

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Content Category 6C

Category 6C: Responding to the world focuses on how we process and experience emotion and stress.

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