What’s New in the 2024 AMCAS® Application

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The 2024 American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®) application cycle will open on May 2. If you plan to start medical school in 2024, you’ll be completing the 2024 AMCAS application, and there are a few things that are new with the application this year.

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The Work/Activities section has a new experience type called Social Justice/Advocacy.

This new category will allow applicants to highlight social justice and/or advocacy experiences in which an applicant worked to advance the rights, privileges, or opportunities of a person, group, or cause. Possible examples include (but are not limited to) registering people to vote, climate activism, advocating for civil rights, decreasing health inequities, addressing food deserts, building awareness for a particular cause or health condition, advocating for vulnerable populations (e.g., children, people experiencing homelessness), and assisting with policy change or development. Learn more about the development of the Social Justice/Advocacy experience type.

The self-reported Disadvantaged Status question has been replaced with Other Impactful Experiences along with new corresponding help text.

The Other Impactful Experiences question is designed to help promote holistic review by providing admissions officers with a snapshot of applicants’ lived experiences. In addition, this question is designed to give applicants the opportunity to provide additional context about the challenges they may have experienced during their lives. It is intended for applicants who have had impactful life experiences and have faced or overcome challenges in various areas such as family background, financial circumstances, community setting, education, religion, or other life experiences. Read more about the background and preview the Other Impactful Experiences question.

A drop-down has been added within the Institutional Action question to include categories for Conduct and Academic.

Applicants can now select "Conduct," "Academic," or “Both” within the Institutional Action question. This change aims to provide a more comprehensive view of any disciplinary and/or academic issues that an applicant may have faced during their undergraduate education. Applicants will now be able to select the category that best fits the nature of the institutional action taken against them, which will provide more context for admissions committees.

An optional field has been added to indicate an upcoming AAMC PREview® exam registration date.

Applicants have been able to indicate future MCAT® exam dates within the AMCAS® application and now can do the same for the AAMC PREview® exam. This change allows applicants to indicate their intention to take the PREview exam and allows medical schools to know when they should expect an applicant’s score.

The "Other" labels for Pronoun and Gender Identity have been updated.

Following feedback we received from members of the academic medicine community, the AAMC has replaced the “Other” category option with “Another Gender Identity” and “Another pronoun set.” This change reflects the importance of recognizing and respecting individuals' gender identity and expression. The new labels provide more inclusive options for applicants.

If you’ll be applying to the 2024 AMCAS application cycle, please join us for our opening cycle webinar, Navigating the 2024 AMCAS Application Cycle for Applicants, on April 26 at 2 p.m. ET for a complete walkthrough of the AMCAS application and available AMCAS resources. Registration is now open.  

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