Program Information |
Program Name: The Physicians for Rural Areas Assistance Program |
Program Type: Loan Repayment |
Program State or Other: GA |
Program Funding Source: State |
Program Description: The heart of the mission of the GBHCW is to provide Loan Repayment assistance programs to practitioners who agree to work in underserved medical or dental areas of Georgia. |
Eligible Specialties: General Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology or Family Medicine with OB, General Psychiatry, Family Medicine, General Internal Medicine, and Geriatric Medicine. |
Service Requirements: Practice medicine a minimum of 40 clinical hours per week in a Georgia County with a population of 35,000 or fewer people. |
Deadline/Application Cycle: Applications open September/October 2024. |
Amount: Up to $25,000/year for maximum of 4 years. |
Additional Information: N/A |
Yvette Speight
GA Board for Health Care Workforce
(404) 463-1057