Metamorphosis -- Employee to Student
Even though you know that you’ll need to live on less money as a medical student, the change may still be an adjustment for you. A spending plan is helpful for everyone, but it becomes especially critical for the nontraditional student.
There are three steps in creating a spending plan:
- Determine your monthly income.
- Subtract your expenses from your income.
- Distribute your discretionary income to cover all your expenses.
You may want to consider the following concepts when evaluating how you can adjust your spending plan.
Uncover likely deficits. Compare your anticipated expenses for applying to medical school and during medical school, with your projected income (or current savings). Knowing these expenses will help you determine if you need to borrow, and/or how much you need to borrow to cover upcoming expenses.
Identify areas where you can cut back. Start this process by using FIRST's Budget Worksheet for Students. Track and categorize your monthly spending. Your expenses are either “fixed” (those which cannot be changed) or “variable” (those which can be controlled). Once you know where your money is going, you can then focus on your variable expenses to see where you might be able to decrease spending.
Costs and Considerations
There could be transitional expenses that have an impact on your budget as you move from a salaried professional to a medical student.
Childcare. Perhaps you have a stay-at-home spouse or partner who cares for your children. Will this person need to return to work? If so, childcare may be an additional expense.
Relocation. In addition to ongoing housing costs, you may need to relocate to a new area. Expenses beyond the move will probably include a deposit on a new apartment or house. If you currently rent, consider any costs related to breaking your lease. If you own, consider the costs (and time!) of selling or renting your house.
Your spouse or partner’s employment. If you need to relocate, your spouse or partner may not be able to find a new job immediately. Be sure to have a “cash cushion” to cover the time it takes to obtain a new position.
Health insurance. You may be offered a student insurance plan (or you may be added to your spouse/partner’s plan); however, the cost of the new premium may be more expensive than what you currently have. Be sure to explore all options before deciding on the most suitable insurance coverage.
Tips for Nontraditional Students
Financial aid for the first year: Your financial aid package will be based on your income from previous years. If you expect a significant drop in income, consult your financial aid officer (FAO).
Providing parental information: When determining eligibility for grants and scholarships, regardless of your age and marital status, some medical schools may require parental information.
Investigate Financial Aid Programs
Familiarize yourself with the various financial aid resources that may be offered to you. These include grants, scholarships, and loans. Review Understanding Your Financial Aid Offer to learn more about financial aid offers and visit FIRST for more information about paying for medical school.
Read about other nontraditional student experiences on the Aspiring Docs website.