Ramsey Sha Potter

Estimated Read time: 4 minutes

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Without the help of the AAMC Fee Assistance benefits program, I would not have been able to pursue a career in medicine. This program changed the cost of the medical school application process from an insurmountable barrier to a problem that could be overcome. Through this program, I was able to connect with amazing schools, to learn about different programs, and to see what metrics were important for matriculating into medical school. If you qualify, I highly encourage you to use this program to help realize your dreams.

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Medical School: Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Undergraduate Institution: Western Michigan University
Major: Biomedical Sciences 
Minors: Chemistry and Psychology

Why I’m becoming a doctor

Like many others in health care, I have seen how illness and disease affects those around me. As I saw the progression of disease in my own family, I felt powerlessness and wanted nothing more than the ability to help. I used to accompany my family members to their clinic appointments where I was able to witness how their physician could effectively treat their physical symptoms while addressing their emotional concerns. I noticed how much comfort that interaction brought, and I realized that medicine would provide me with the knowledge that I craved.

My experience with the AAMC Fee Assistance Program

I used the following benefits during my premed journey: 

When I learned about the cost of the MCAT exam, associated study materials, and the application process, I was lost. I knew that there would be no way for me to go through this process alone. Fortunately, after a bit of researching, I found the Fee Assistance Program and saw how it had helped others like me.

I applied to the Fee Assistance Program before studying for the MCAT exam and took advantage of all the MCAT benefits. I used all the questions provided by the AAMC, including the practice exams, official guide, section banks, and MCAT exam-style questions. These resources were essential during my MCAT preparation and helped me get a score needed to matriculate into medical school. As someone who took the MCAT exam twice, I urge you to reapply to the fee assistance program if needed. I was able to apply to the fee assistance program twice and received the same benefits both times.

When I was ready to apply, I used the MSAR guide to make a list of schools that I was competitive for and interested in. I recommend paying attention to median GPA/MCAT scores of each school along with the proportion of in-state versus out-of-state students. These metrics are some of the best ways to determine if you will be competitive for a specific program.

The Fee Assistance Program also allowed me to be a successful reapplicant. In both cycles, my primary and secondary applications fees were completely waived. During my second cycle, I applied to over 20 schools, and the Fee Assistance Program paid for it all (aside from interviews).

For me, the combination of the MCAT resources and the fee assistance was life-changing. Without this program, I would not have had the materials needed to succeed on the MCAT exam and would not have had the means to apply to medical school. A large part of why I am in medical school today can be attributed to the AAMC Fee Assistance benefits program.

Advice to future applicants

Apply early! Getting some of the documents for this application may take some time, so be sure to plan appropriately. This program allows you to access many MCAT study resources for a reduced fee (or free!), so take advantage of that and use those resources wisely.
Make sure to explore what benefits are available to you and take advantage of them! If you are unsure of how to use the MCAT resources, search premed forums to see what others have done and go from there. Your fellow medical school applicants, current medical students, and practicing physicians share some of the techniques that helped them be successful. 

While I did not receive a scholarship due to receiving fee assistance benefits, my school did offer a scholarship based on social economic status which I was fortunate to receive. Many schools offer scholarships based on financial need, so talk with your school’s financial aid office.

One last piece of advice: if you look at the data on medical school matriculation, you will see that students from a lower socioeconomic status represent a significant minority. While this has been true for decades, do not let that data deter you. There are others with similar backgrounds who make it and so can you. Use the resources that are provided, study hard, and you too will be a doctor someday. Good luck!

These students’ testimonials were selected because they represent diverse stories. The views expressed herein are those of the students and do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the AAMC.


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Engage with Your Peers
Contact the Fee Assistance Program

AAMC Attn: Fee Assistance Program 655 K Street N.W., Suite 100 Washington, DC 20001

Fax: 202-828-1120

Sending Email? Please include your name, AAMC ID, and a detailed explanation of how we can help in your email. Sorry, we're unable to accept attachments.

Canadian Fee Assistance Program Questions? Visit AFMC’s website at https://www.afmc.ca/resources-data/education/aspirants-applicants/

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. ET, Closed Wednesday, 3-5 p.m. ET

Learn about the Expanded Fee Assistance Program
Application Processing

As of February 12 the Fee Assistance Program is:

Processing applications that were “Submitted and Pending Verification” on February 7.

2025 Fee Assistance Program Essentials

Understanding the 2025 Fee Assistance Program Essentials is the first step in applying. This is required reading before completing your AAMC Fee Assistance Program application and necessary for a smooth application process.

Financial Aid Resources

The AAMC's FIRST (Financial Information, Resources, Services, and Tools) program provides free resources to help you make wise financial decisions. 

Learn More
MCAT Official Prep Hub

The MCAT Official Prep Hub is where you can access your products received through the Fee Assistance Program, purchase new products, and view free resources.