Fee Assistance Program Parent Information

Estimated Read time: 2 minutes

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Outline of the parent information that is required for the AAMC Fee Assistance Program application.

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Providing false information about your parents may lead to an investigation, which might impact your eligibility for the Fee Assistance Program now and in the future.

Dependent/Independent Status Disclosure

The AAMC Fee Assistance Program is privately funded and has established certain eligibility guidelines, which may differ from federally funded aid programs. These eligibility guidelines take into account the federal poverty guideline, as specified by family size, and are verified by tax documentation from the previous year.

Unlike some federally funded programs, the Fee Assistance Program does not draw distinction based on your dependent or independent status, and therefore, parent financial information and supporting tax documentation are required portions of the application process for all applicants. Parental information is viewed independently from applicant data but must also fall within eligibility guidelines.

This requirement cannot be waived on the basis of your marital status, age, or tax filing status. You will not be able to submit your application without inputting parental information.

Grandparents, foster parents, legal guardians, aunts, uncles, or other relatives are not considered parents.

Do You Have Any Living Parents?

If you have one or more living parents, click Yes. If one of your parents is deceased, you will indicate that when you select a marital status for your parents.

If you are unsure how to answer this question or do not know if either of your parents are living, please contact us at feeassistance@aamc.org or 202-828-0600.

Marital Status

Select the appropriate marital status for your parents as of December 31 of last year. If you are unsure what their marital status is, ask them. Please contact us at feeassistance@aamc.org or 202-828-0600 if you do not see a marital status that matches your parents’.

If your parents are Married, or Not Married and Both Parents Living Together, enter both parents’ name and State of Legal Residence. When you get to the Parent Financial section, you will report income for one parent household.

If your parents are Divorced, One or Both Remarried; Divorced Neither Remarried; Not Married and Living Separately; or Separated enter both parents’ name and State of Legal Residence. When you get to the Parent Financial section, you will report income for two parent households.

If your parents are Widowed or Single, enter your parent’s name and State of Legal Residence. When you get to the Parent Financial section, you will report income for one parent household.

  • Select Widowed if one of your parents is deceased, even if they were never legally married.
  • Select Single if you have only known one parent for your entire life.

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Engage with Your Peers
Contact the Fee Assistance Program

AAMC Attn: Fee Assistance Program 655 K Street N.W., Suite 100 Washington, DC 20001

Fax: 202-828-1120

Sending Email? Please include your name, AAMC ID, and a detailed explanation of how we can help in your email. Sorry, we're unable to accept attachments.

Canadian Fee Assistance Program Questions? Visit AFMC’s website at https://www.afmc.ca/resources-data/education/aspirants-applicants/

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. ET, Closed Wednesday, 3-5 p.m. ET

Learn about the Expanded Fee Assistance Program
Application Processing

As of February 12 the Fee Assistance Program is:

Processing applications that were “Submitted and Pending Verification” on February 7.

2025 Fee Assistance Program Essentials

Understanding the 2025 Fee Assistance Program Essentials is the first step in applying. This is required reading before completing your AAMC Fee Assistance Program application and necessary for a smooth application process.

Financial Aid Resources

The AAMC's FIRST (Financial Information, Resources, Services, and Tools) program provides free resources to help you make wise financial decisions. 

Learn More
MCAT Official Prep Hub

The MCAT Official Prep Hub is where you can access your products received through the Fee Assistance Program, purchase new products, and view free resources.