2024 MyERAS® Application FAQs

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Find answers to your questions about the 2024 MyERAS® application timeline, participating programs, resources, application sections, and more.  

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The decision to limit the number of experiences an applicant can enter in the MyERAS application was informed by both data from prior ERAS application cycles and focus groups with medical school advisors and residency program directors. During focus groups, medical school advisors and program directors discussed how applicants feel pressure to include more experiences and the implications of this for applicants and program directors. All agreed that limiting the number of experiences would help focus an applicant’s time and energy and more clearly and concisely communicate to programs what experiences are truly meaningful to the applicant.

The Experiences section is intended to complement other parts of your application. Your meaningful experience essays and other impactful experience essay, if applicable, should not repeat information from your Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) Noteworthy Characteristics and personal statement. While there may be overlap in the experiences mentioned across the application, consider how to provide additional insight or emphasize how these experiences have shaped who you are, what is important to you, and the specific qualities you will bring to a residency position.

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