Public Health Pathways for Residents

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Consider applying for a fellowship program, completing a public health degree or certificate, working with your local health department, joining a related hospital committee, or incorporating public health research into your career. 

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Pathways for Residents

Residency programs in all specialties can offer didactic sessions and rotations that feature specialty-specific aspects of public health. The specialty of preventive medicine focuses on public health and population health perspectives, and MPH degrees are often included as part of training. Other residency programs can work with you to allow completion of a public health degree. 

Search the database for clinical and research fellowships, international experiences, and other public health leadership opportunities.

Residents and postdocs should also seek guidance and mentorship from interested faculty, explore electives in hospital projects or committees, and participate in scholarly projects that would provide further public health experiences.

Learn more about Public Health Pathways

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Public Health Pathways is supported by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the Cooperative Agreement Number 5U36 OE 0000004-02 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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