As residents, you are a pillar of academic medicine. Your scholarship drives the practice of medical education forward. The AAMC aims to advance the work of all those engaged in improving academic medicine and bringing together the medical school and teaching hospital community through the following opportunities that are available to residents.
Academic Medicine
A peer-reviewed journal published by the AAMC that serves as an international forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and strategies to address the major challenges facing the academic medicine community as it strives to carry out its missions in the public interest.
The journal’s areas of focus include education and training issues across the continuum; health policy as it relates to education, research, and clinical care; institutional policy and management of medical schools; alignment of the health professions workforce with societal needs; the culture and environment of academic medicine; the intersection of academic medicine’s multiple missions; and advancing the field of health professions education research and scholarship.
Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Read articles and learn more about Academic Medicine.
The Academic Medicine Advancing Trainees as Leaders and Scholars (ATLAS) initiative aims to engage health professions learners in the scholarly publishing process and feature their voices more regularly in the journal. By engaging trainees as readers and authors, the editors hope to help create the next generation of leaders and scholars.
Connect with Academic Medicine
- Follow @AcadMedJournal on Twitter.
- Subscribe to the Academic Medicine Podcast anywhere podcasts are available.
- Follow Academic Medicine Journal on LinkedIn.
- Subscribe to AM Express to stay up to date on the latest news and articles.
An online, MEDLINE-indexed, open-access journal of teaching and learning resources in the health professions published by the AAMC in partnership with the American Dental Education Association. MedEdPORTAL® publications are stand-alone teaching or learning modules that have been implemented and evaluated with medical or dental trainees or practitioners. Each submission is peer-reviewed using a standardized review instrument grounded in the tenets of educational scholarship.
MedEdPORTAL operates under a highly unusual diamond open-access model, which means that there are no fees to submit to, publish in, or read the journal.
Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Access publications and learn more about MedEdPORTAL.
Submit your educational innovation.
Connect with MedEdPORTAL
- Follow @MedEdPORTAL on Twitter.
- Subscribe to What’s New in MedEdPORTAL to stay up to date on the latest news and publications.
AAMC Calls for Education Scholarship
This page includes information about current and recurring calls for submissions to Academic Medicine, MedEdPORTAL, the MedBiquitous® website, the AAMC’s regional and national meetings, and more. It is updated throughout the year with links to calls as they open.
Learn more about scholarship submissions.
Resources for Authors and Reviewers
This curated collection of resources aims to advance the work of health professions education researchers, writers, and reviewers. Almost all the resources listed are available to download for free, including resources for getting started, writing up and submitting your work, and reviewing. There are also voices from the community with blog posts, podcast episodes, and videos in which leading scholars share insights on producing medical education scholarship.