- Does the school offer the courses required to get into medical school?
- Does the school have a BS/MD, MS/MD or early assurance program?
- How big are the class sizes?
- Is it possible to create your own major or concentration?
- What majors do students who plan to go to medical school typically choose at your institution?
- Is the school affiliated with any medical schools or pathway programs or does the school have a linkage agreement?
Premed/Prehealth Curriculum
- Does the school offer study abroad options for premed students?
- Is there a prehealth track or prehealth minor available?
- How many credits are needed per semester to complete both major credit requirements and basic premedical requirements?
- Is the premed program its own bachelor's program, or a certificate program alongside a bachelor's program where students earn a degree and supplement their course load with premed courses?
- Do students enrolled in the premed program get preferential registration to premed classes?
Research and Lab Equipment and Opportunities
- Is the school equipped with lab and research facilities?
- What research opportunities are available for undergraduate students?
- How can students acquire research opportunities at this school?
Prehealth Advising Services
- What premed support services are available at the school to help students apply to medical school?
- Are prehealth advisors available on campus to support students?
- How many prehealth advisors are available (ratio of advisors to students)?
- When can students start working with a prehealth advisor?
- How often are students able to meet with their prehealth advisor?
- Are there prehealth academic advisors who can help students design their course load from their first year through their fourth year?
- Does the school provide a recommendation letter bank or use a service like Interfolio to store letters of recommendation until students are ready to apply to medical school?
- Does the school provide prehealth committee letters of recommendation or individual letters?
- What are the requirements for preheath committee letter of recommendations?
- How long after graduating are pre-health advising services available to alumni?
Student Services
- Is free tutoring available?
- Does the school have a student wellness program?
- What type of career services are offered?
- Is interview prep available?
- Are exam (DAT, MCAT, PCAT etc.) preparation materials or courses available and are there any free study resources and/or guidance provided for taking exams?
Institution Graduation Results
- How many students graduate from this school and then go to medical school?
- Which medical schools do students apply to?
Volunteer, Service, and Internship Opportunities
- Are there medical or clinically related volunteer or paid opportunities available near the school?
- What support is available to secure volunteer and paid opportunities?
- Are summer internships or research opportunities available?
- Does the college partner with programs or companies so that students can apply for summer opportunities?
- Are there volunteer, internship, or student-worker positions available in the Health Center or the health professions school on campus? Is work-study available?
- Does the school offer any kind of office or program for helping students find part-time jobs in medical or medical-related fields? Is there a staff person available to assist and support students in their job search and placement efforts?
Premed Clubs and Organizations
- Are there any clubs or organizations specific to students who want to pursue a career in medicine?
- Are there any premed fraternities or societies at this school?
- Is there any kind of mentorship program for students who are interested in pursuing medicine?
After Graduation
- Does the school offer any prehealth or postbaccalaureate programs for students who decide later that they want to pursue a medical career?