Accepting Interview Invitations

Estimated Read time: 3 minutes

As you begin to receive invitations to interview, it's important to think about how to best schedule your interviews based on what is feasible for you, and to know that there are some interviews you might not want to accept. 

Scheduling Interviews

Below are some considerations and benefits for employing a smart scheduling strategy:  

  • Consider financial cost. Interviewing costs add up quickly, and financial constraints can restrict your interview options and impact your overall financial health.  

  • Get advice and support from advisors. They are equipped to help with feelings of anxiety, stress, and burnout and to help you talk through options. 

  • Learn as much as possible about your chosen medical schools while keeping an open mind. It costs time, energy, and money to maximize your interview process (especially if it includes a visit to a medical school). That said, you may not feel ready to dismiss a medical school until after interviewing there. Remaining open and flexible when deciding where to interview can help you make interview decisions that are best for you and your situation. 

Canceling or Rescheduling Interviews

Life happens, and the need to cancel or reschedule may arise. Medical schools expect some canceling and rescheduling, and it is good to know effective ways for changing interview plans. Canceling or rescheduling unprofessionally can impact both your reputation and future opportunities with that school. Under no circumstances should you be a no-show – that is, fail to attend a scheduled interview without prior notice. 

Etiquette for canceling or rescheduling interviews. To cancel or reschedule in a professional manner, consult the medical school’s interview policies and instructions. If a program provides no instruction, follow these general guidelines: 

  • Amount of notice. Contact the medical school as soon as you know you need to change plans, preferably at least two weeks in advance. Canceling or rescheduling with less than a week’s notice should be limited to cases of true emergencies, such as a sudden illness or death in the family. 

  • Communication method. Regardless of how far in advance your cancellation or reschedule request occurs, contact the medical school by email or phone. If you call, you might consider sending an email to confirm the cancellation or reschedule. 

  • Explanation. If you’re canceling or rescheduling at least two weeks in advance, an explanation is unnecessary. If you’re canceling or rescheduling because of an emergency, if possible, provide an explanation that indicates the nature of the emergency (e.g., a death in your family, you’re sick) but without too much detail (e.g., “I’m vomiting every hour.”). Review the school's instructions for rescheduling or cancelling an interview to see if they require any other documentation. If you remain interested in the medical school, affirm your continued interest when asking if it’s possible to reschedule. If you need further guidance, consult your student affairs or career services office.