New section

You can now view updates to our application system for examinees requesting to test with accommodations. Learn more about how these changes will improve your experience with submitting and tracking your application.
If you already have an application in progress, it will not be affected. All previous applications and determinations will still be accessible. If you have questions about an application that is in progress, please contact us at
Preview the Enhancements to the MCAT® Accommodations Online Application System
Our application system is easier to navigate and it includes new features, and the dashboard now separates your active applications from your past applications. You will now be able to:
- See the application type, status, submission date, and decision due date.
- Edit your application, create a new application, or view prior determination letters.
- Upload supporting documentation in different formats (PDF, PNG, JPEG, JPG, TXT).
- View and print all submitted documentation.
- View previous applications and decisions.

Submitting Extensions, Reconsiderations, and Appeals

You can now apply for an extension, reconsideration, or appeal through the online system. Just follow these steps:
- Click on Create Application.
- Select Application Type.
- Check the Agreement box.
- Click Confirm to proceed.
- Upload any additional or updated documentation, if needed.
Submitting Service Requests
NEW! You can now submit service requests directly through the application system.
- Log into MCAT Accommodations Online.
- Locate “Submit a Service Request.”
- Click the type of Service Request you would like to submit.
- Authorization to Release Health Information Pertaining to MCAT Accommodations.
- Application for MCAT Accommodations Services Financial Benefit.
- MCAT Disability Accommodation Waiver Form.
- Another type of Request.
- Provide the necessary information as requested.
- Submit your Service Request.

Withdrawing Your Application

If you need to add additional documentation or make a change to your application or you no longer wish for your application to be considered, you now have the option to withdraw your application. Just follow these steps:
- Go to the Application Activity section of your dashboard.
- Click on the 3 dots under Actions for the application you wish to withdraw.
- Select withdraw.
- Make any desired changes to your application and resubmit.
- If you simply wish to withdraw, no further action is required.
- The application must be in "submitted" status to use the withdraw feature.