Rural Provider Loan Assistance Program

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Below is general information on the Rural Provider Loan Assistance Program. For more detailed information on this program, please visit their website from the link below.

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Program Information
Program Name: Rural Provider Loan Assistance Program
Program Type: Loan Assistance
Program State or Other: WI
Program Funding Source: State
Program Description: The Rural Provider Loan Assistance Program grants physicians practicing in a rural community up to $50,000 in loan assistance funds, in return for a three-year commitment to practice in a rural Wisconsin community.
Eligible Specialties: Primary care physicians and psychiatrists.
Service Requirements: The Rural Provider Loan Assistance Program grants loan assistance funds to physicians practicing in a rural community.
Deadline/Application Cycle: The Loan Assistance Program application period is now closed and will re-open in May 2025.
Amount: Up to $50,000 in education loan assistance.
Additional Information: Providers practicing in rural communities qualify for this funding whether or not the worksite is located in a HPSA.

Kevin Jacobson
Wisconsin Office of Rural Health
(608) 261-1889

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