Program Information |
Program Name: Oklahoma Physician Loan Repayment Program |
Program Type: Loan Repayment |
Program State or Other: OK |
Program Funding Source: State |
Program Description: Loan repayment is made possible by the State of Oklahoma through the Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Training Commission in order to offer the following benefits. Assistance to Oklahoma licensed primary care physicians who agree to establish a practice in a rural community located in Oklahoma approved by the Commission. Access to medical care and services to Oklahoma citizens in rural and underserved areas with special emphasis to Medicaid and Medicare recipients. |
Eligible Specialties: Primary care physicians. |
Service Requirements: Lump sum yearly payments are made at the conclusion of each obligated practice year. |
Deadline/Application Cycle: No deadline specified |
Amount: $200,000.00 maximum for four years. $50,000 first year, $50,000 second year, $50,000 third year, and $50,000 final year. |
Additional Information: N/A |
Cher Golding
Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Training Commission
(405) 604-0020