Program Information |
Program Name: NHSC Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program |
Program Type: Loan Repayment |
Program State or Other: National Health Service Corps |
Program Funding Source: Federal |
Program Description: The program supports the recruitment and retention of health professionals needed in underserved areas to expand access to SUD treatment and prevent overdose deaths. |
Eligible Specialties: Physicians; Nurse practitioners; Certified nurse midwives; Physician assistants; Behavioral health professionals; Substance use disorder counselors; Registered nurses; and Pharmacists. |
Service Requirements: Three-year commitment to provide substance use disorder treatment services at NHSC-approved sites. |
Deadline/Application Cycle: The NHSC Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program application cycle is closed. |
Amount: Full-Time Service: Up to $75,000 for a three-year service obligation; Half-Time Service: Up to $37,500 for a three-year service obligation; Spanish Language award enhancement of up to $5,000 for eligible applicants. |
Additional Information: To apply for this program, you must be working, or have accepted an offer of employment by the date you submit an application, at an NHSC SUD Workforce LRP-approved service site. |
Health Resources and Services Administration
(800) 221-9393