Program Information |
Program Name: Nebraska Loan Repayment Program |
Program Type: Loan Repayment |
Program State or Other: NE |
Program Funding Source: State |
Program Description: Loan repayment awards are available to primary care, mental, dental and certain allied health professionals practicing in shortage areas in Nebraska. |
Eligible Specialties: Physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants practicing the specialties of family practice, GIM, general pediatrics, OB/GYN, general surgery, psychiatry, dentists, clinical psychologists, pharmacists, master's level mental health professionals, occupational therapists, and physical therapists. |
Service Requirements: Three-year practice obligation; local or community match is required. |
Deadline/Application Cycle: Not specified |
Amount: NP, PA's, mental health professionals, pharmacists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists up to $20,000 per year; Physicians, dentists, and clinical psychologists may receive up to $40,000 per year. |
Additional Information: N/A |
Rachael Wolfe
Nebraska Department HHS, Office of Rural Health
(402) 471-2337